The adolescent who if leaves to lead for the impulse in direction to the immediate pleasure (natural of the immature being) goes to direct its flight for inadequate heights to the size of its wing, and, with certainty, if to disorganize and if to wound. the permissividade of the parents will be felt as disinterest, abandonment, lovelessness, recklessness. The family has the function of sociabilizar and structuralizing the children as human beings. The violence in infancy and the adolescence, for example, exists in such a way in the favored layers less as in the middle classes and high. What it makes the difference is the capacity of the family to establish affective bonds, joining itself in the love and the frustrations. The family is the scope where the child lives its bigger sensations of joy, happiness, pleasure and love, the field of activity in which she tries sadnesses, failures in meeting, fight, cimes, fears and hatred. A healthy family always has alternated moments of grateful and pleasant emotion with sadness moments, quarrels and misunderstandings, that will be repaired through the agreement, of the pardon, much-needed, and of the learning of as we must preparing in them adequately to be sociable citizens.
As Art. 19 of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (1990): All child or adolescent has educated right to be created and in the seio of its family and, bonanza, in substitute family, assured the familiar and communitarian convivncia, in free environment of the presence of dependent narcotic substance people. We know that much has been transferred of the family to the school, functions that were of the families: sexual education, definition politics, religious formation, carat, dance, among others. With this the school goes abandoning its focus, and the family loses the function. Moreover, the school does not have to be alone a place of learning, but also a field of activity in which it will have continuity of the affective life. The school that functions as yard of the house will be able to play the role of partner in the formation of an entire and healthy individual.
It is in the school that must be acquired knowledge regarding the problems of the planet: destruction of the environment, depreciation of favored groups less economically, etc. Must be spoken on friendship, the importance of the social group, on affective questions. It is not possible respect to the educandos, to its dignity, its being forming itself, to its identity becoming, if they are not taken in consideration to the conditions where they come existing (…), (FREIRE, 1997, P. 71). Above all, we must respect what the child lived deeply, leaving of this estimated we can see it of a form or another one, as much in the familiar scope how much in the pertaining to school. A new vision is appearing of school, very different of what we had as agreement during years, that to make school is to discipline, is to teach to obey without knowing the reason accurately and engavetar the dreams and the projects of children and full adolescents of ale