That girl did not think about nothing negative. Exactly that its romantic life always has been a confusion, continued to believe that all age a process of incredible learning. It believed yes. It believed. It was what it repeated mentally whenever was found in sentimental enrascada. It reflected on its old namoricos of gate, square, waterfall, transit, academy, school. Now, the girl of teeth and high hair, if reerguia of the last attempt that makes to find one to appreciate.
Reergueu in way to the anger and the extreme rationality. Characteristic its age the attitude taking. To be same it was difficult, still more when some of to its called it friends crazy when they were knowing of madnesses just made. It was resembled an independent man; it had its proper money and, to the times, its candy brutality. Far from the capital of the country and, at the same time, very next, it liveed. All the times that its caught ' ' luggage and cuia' ' (inheritance of the dialect averno) and it entered in its black compact stand, wise person who would only return to comfort of the home of two floors, at least, ten hours later. This age the routine of the person of twenty years. To live the twenty kilometers of the capital of the country did not generate it greaters complications.
To arrive of alone dawn and in its call city satellite, thing of Federal District, was practical recurrent. The biggest problem was to find some youngster made use to lead and to search, to face the expense of gasoline to please the small one. it almost that it was imported with plus this aggravation. Still well that the pleasure in leading that economic stand existed. It also had of to be economic the young woman, to get worse its situation. Whenever it went to supply caranga ached the chest to it of an incredible form.