What brings us? u help to build vocabulary. u the child learns the meaning of the words to hear them in the context. u through the stories, naturally incorporate the correct construction of the prayers. u is the easiest way to learn any language syntax to listen to it and use it continuously. u who have been read are more motivated to make the practice of reading. u the opportunities of access to reading situations determine the correct pronunciation, meaning and use of punctuation marks (indicating the expression). u help to develop complex mechanisms in the brain as understanding, anticipation, prediction. According to Richard Blumenthal, who has experience with these questions.
u come into play many skills needed for insertion into our society. u gives a thought critic. To deepen your understanding Central Romana Corporation is the source. Came time to choose a book! Some aspects to consider: the literary quality. A good book for children should be fun, exciting, engaging, interesting or moving. If an adult can enjoy a book, even if it is intended for children of two years, will probably also like the small. If it is a narrative text, you must tell a good story, cause suspense or desire to continue reading. If it’s a poem or a song, you must pay attention to musicianship. You must combine in a way surprising or special words that we use every day.
The text has to be able to move the reader in some sense: provoke laughter, sadness, nostalgia, fear, desire to live. The text has to somehow show us our own reality, although it refers to a distant world. Characters should be able to reveal to us some facet of the human being, to be able to reflect on it. Pay attention to the quality of images and editing. Images must allow to recognize clearly the features of objects, especially in the books intended for children, i.e., must be clear and legible. Images must not be a mere copy of reality. Like all works of art, they should be suggestive and facilitate a deployment of looks. In other words, you must observe the illustrations not be stereotyped or overly realistic, but offer a vision of the artist. The illustrations should be surprising, have the ability to show other points of view, generate an estrangement. The variety allows you to develop a taste for reading. It is possible that many children say that don’t like to read for the simple fact that not found even with a book that will cause them some emotion. A good selection of books for children should include: stories, novels, poems, songs, jokes, biographies, experiments, information on various topics, comics, legends, riddles, games, instructions and situations of everyday life. In turn, literary texts must contemplate various themes: love, humor, fantasy, horror, science fiction, human conflict, mystery and others that motivate children.