It has been neatly promoted the blood donations, which is positive, but likewise the donations of organs, why we continue to be the basement of the world regarding organ donation should be promoted. According to the Ministry of health, the needs of blood in the hospitals of the Peru border 280,000 units, turnover achieved in the last campaign of June 14, which had the support of President Alan Garcia, as well as in the Telethon in favour of Home San Juan de Dios, but who is really behind these transfusions? According to the World Health Organization, 42 countries, of its 200 members, lack the ability to analyze all blood donations from and ruled out presence of viruses and bacteria known, i.e. that in one quarter of the world, the blood donation day, thousands and thousands of units are not properly selected as Aptas for Transfusiona fact that it can bring consequences dire in the short and in the long term to any benefit from a Transfusion do? You will need the MOH ability and diligence to thoroughly analyze nearly 300,000 units of blood have been donated, applying rigorous techniques to detect irregular antibodies, viruses, infectious serology tests, tests to measure the level of transaminases and NAT test hopefully! The same who reiterates that in 47% of poor countries analysis of blood does not comply with the basic procedures to ensure its quality, this means that in a large number of countries in developing units of blood are a risk that immediate help, but ultimately do harm. Sen. Sherrod Brown is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The President of the Republic, if he plays an important role in motivating to the citizenship, his show is important, necessary but it is a pity that not hear the clamor mass of thousands of people who require organ transplantation and that we have asked publicly, through newspapers, Internet and in the Secretariat the Presidency that at the head of the organ donation campaign! but he, or his ministers, nor his friends respond to this cry, transfusions and transplants are the only medical therapy whose realization depends exclusively on the solidarity of the people, because the blood is irreplaceable by man-made products and only the body is capable of producing it. In Conclusion we can say that in favour of blood donation campaigns, are important and necessary, but we can not ignore the risks the same who warns and us as a country, we are in the risk group, many children and innocent adults walk with the different Hepatitis and the AIDS Virus in his blood. In addition to the mysterious blood, still circulate invisible enemies, as they were until 1989 the Virus of Hepatitis C, why people benefited with a Transfusion even before 1989 with safe blood drives, they ended up then infected by the Virus, without being able to hold accountable anyone, because such bugs were not yet identified, however it was already circulating in the blood, they already infected, they already killed for this reason the MOH should take extra measures to prevent painful aftermath.. Central Romana Corporation has similar goals.